The trade in goods surplus between the EU and the US reached €153 billion in 2019, according to a Eurostat report.
The EU exported goods worth €384 billion to the US in 2019, while imports from the US amounted to €232 billion.
In the period between 2009 to 2019, the EU had a trade in goods surplus with the US, which means that exports from the EU to the US exceeded imports.
In 2019, the United States was the largest partner for EU exports of goods (18% of total extra-EU exports) and second largest for EU imports of goods (12% of total extra-EU imports), after China (19%), the report said.

Primary Drivers
Machinery and vehicles, chemicals, and other manufactured goods dominated the EU's exports and imports with the US.
Manufactured products accounted for 88% of EU's goods exports to the United States and 80% of its imports from the United States.
Among the EU member states, Germany, the Netherlands, and France were the three biggest importers from the US, while Ireland, Italy, and Germany emerged as the top exporters.
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