
The Leading European Retail Magazine: ESM - European Supermarket Magazine


The European retail sector is immense - combined, its consumers boast a purchasing power of more than €9 trillion each year (Source: GfK). With that in mind, shop owners need to rely on a retail magazine that they can trust will bring them up to date, and enable them to stay 'ahead of the game', in this dynamic sector.

ESM - European Supermarket Magazine is more than just a typical trade publication. It is a portal that enables retailers across 30 different European markets in Europe to gain an advantage over their competition, by supplying the latest insight, analysis and new product launches from across the continent.

As well as ESM magazine, which is distributed to all European countries, ESM is also home to the ESM app (enabling retailers to keep up to date on the move), the ESM website,, and the ESM newsletter, which brings both the latest industry news and the best of our magazine's content to your inbox every Thursday.

When it comes to the challenges of European retail, ESM - European Supermarket Magazine can offer you the tools you need to succeed in a competitive market.

To discuss how ESM can work with your business, either through our retail magazine or online channels, contact [email protected]