
Vanderlande Posts Record Year For Turnover And Order Intake

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Vanderlande Posts Record Year For Turnover And Order Intake

Vanderlande has announced a record turnover of €988 million for the 2015 financial year (1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015), representing an increase of 25 per cent on the previous year. 

The company's total order intake also set a new record for the same period, hitting €1,035 million, representing an increase of 10 per cent compared to the €938 million it achieved in 2014.

The company said the turnover figure has increased due to the 'substantial growth in Vanderlande’s parcel and postal and warehouse automation (especially food retail and e-commerce) segments, as well as life-cycle services'.

The fact that growth in new orders has also been relatively high in life-cycle services is partly due to the increasing level of digital technology required in the market. The order intake for the baggage-handling segment is also higher than the previous financial year.

Vanderlande’s operational result (EBIT) of €25.3 million for the 2015 financial year was down from €36.1 million in 2014 – a drop of 30 per cent, or a shift from 4.6 per cent to 2.6 per cent as a percentage of sales. This was caused by substantial losses incurred on parcel and postal projects sold in 2013 in North America. The root causes of this incident are known, and the appropriate organisational and operational measures have been taken.


The company added that it is growing quickly, with the warehouse automation and parcel and postal sectors experiencing rapid growth due to the rise of e-commerce and a need to reduce costs and consolidate distribution networks.

"Overall, the 2015 financial year was positive in terms of the sales and order intake, and the level of profitability was good,” says Govert Hamers, Vanderlande’s CEO. “In particular, the scale and importance of the orders are worthy of note, as well as the fact that it was a record amount in financial terms.

“The company’s rapid rate of growth is projected to continue by an average of 10-15 per cent per annum in the years to come, which highlights the company’s excellent track record for reliability, commitment and long-term business relationships. Our aim is to provide our customers with value-added automated material-handling solutions so that they can continue to earn more and be increasingly competitive."

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